What’s On in Design

Add your design related event or activity to our year round What’s On Calendar!

If you are planning any kind of design event, exhibition, talk or workshop then list it here to help reach more people. The Design What’s On showcases all kinds of design events from any design discipline.

To be included, the event must be open to the public, held within Dundee City or its immediate surrounds and of course be related to design.

All events are reviewed by a member of our team and we reserve the right to refuse approval of events for any reason.

It can take up to 14 days for your event to go live. If you would like to make any changes to your event after submitting, please contact Project Coordinator, Kirsten at kirsten.wallace@vandadundee.org


By submitted your event you also give us permission to promote your event through our social media channels.

Please provide as much information as possible, and don’t forget your image.